If you stop getting better, you stop being good.

Our Values

Kolleginnen und Kollegen unterhalten sich beim Laufen.

Diversity in the Schwarz Group

Diversity and Equal Opportunities

We seek to provide our employees with a respectful work environment – regardless of gender, age, skin color, ethnic origin, intellectual and physical capabilities, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation. We strongly believe that diversity strengthens the performance of our teams. Through the aspects of fairness, mutual respect, and appreciation, this is enshrined in our corporate principles too.

Our Measures:

We want to increase the number of women in management positions. We have therefore set up a dedicated mentoring program offering mentoring and support to women. The mutual exchange eases the transition to management roles and shows that: Management is fun.

To us, equal opportunities and diversity go beyond training on the General Act on Equal Treatment. To support collaboration of teams with diverse backgrounds, we offer intercultural workshops to our employees and managers.

We support our employees in the event of short-term lack of access to childcare, for example through the parent-child office. In this office space, employees can look after their children while carrying out their daily duties. At locations where these options are not available, our flexible working time models help employees to balance their family with their career.

Our employee relations consultants are neutral, trustworthy and independent points of contact and support all employees in case of questions or concerns.